Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Gruffalo Gardening and Gourmet Dining

 Gruffalo Gardening

We don't have very green fingers in our house but Robbie loves all things 'planting' related and although he has outgrown 'The Gruffalo', the Julia Donaldson series has always been a big hit with us so I couldn't resist snapping up these gardening accessories from TK Maxx-trowel, fork, gloves, kneeling pad and watering can from £2.99 each. What a lovely gift for budding young gardeners!

Pack up a Picnic 

As the weather was so lovely at the weekend, we decided to eat outdoors in the Walled Garden in Bangor. Robbie had his friend Charlie round, so to spice up what could be viewed as a boring picnic, I decided to pack up the sarnies in these cute little brown paper sandwich bags with individual stickers. I have a bit of an obsession with 'script' on mugs, jars, plates etc so couldn't resist this glass bottle with the '100% Home Made' etching on it. I filled it up with juice, added some Jamie Oliver diner-style straws and we were all set! All from TK Maxx, of course.

Slow-Down Sunday

Sundays for me are usually spent getting ready for Mondays-shopping, cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, ‘finding’ (school bags/PE kit/lunch bag/notes to go back to school/notes from school/marking etc etc) but last Sunday we took a break from all of that. As an English teacher, I’ve always had a love of the theatre and thankfully, I think I have passed this onto our son as he loves nothing more than a trip to one of our many wonderful theatres in N Ireland. We attended the closing performance of ‘Little Sure Shot’-based on the story of Annie Oakley-at The Mac theatre and the show was amazing-the acting, music, comedy and simple stage design made it enjoyable for audiences of all ages, as well as an opportunity to dress up in typical costumes.

This was followed by dinner in The Merchant-which catered surprisingly well for children-and of course us adults too!

I wouldn't have minded tucking into these tasty 'posh bangers and mash' with obligatory fries...

...but instead opted for leek and potato soup followed by mouth-watering monkfish, grilled aubergine and all the trimmings. 

Follow more of Pink Mum's Ponderings at www.http://pinkmum.blogspot.co.uk/

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