Thursday, 20 August 2015

First time for everything!

Okay-so this is my first attempt at #LittleLoves so fingers crossed! 
It's my first week at home after being in Spain for 5 weeks so my head tells me I should be getting things in order for going back to school but my heart is saying, "It's  still summer-get out there and make the most of your last days off!" You can imagine which option I have been choosing.

This week, the little things I have...


One of the things I love most about being off on holiday is having the chance to catch up on reading and this summer I managed to get through about 5 books and one which I especially loved was Marion Keyes' The Mystery of Mercy Close. I love the Irish humour of Keyes' novels but at the same time am moved by the more serious issues she deals with-in this case that of mental health. Whilst it could be quite a 'heavy' topic to deal with, Keyes manages to get the issue across without alienating her audience. 
Having just returned from holiday, I had great plans to so some work around the house but gave into temptation when hubby suggested going out for breakfast one of the sunny mornings earlier in the week. This was the perfect time to get through my Red magazine which had been delivered at the end of last week-the joy of receiving a magazine subscription as a Christmas present from my lovely friend Rosemary. 

I have also enjoyed reading with Robbie who has luckily inherited my love of books. I am now well acquainted with 'Broccoli Boy', 'Barry Loser' and 'Billionaire Boy'-and am glad to see Minecraft having a break.

Over the years I have bought a number of children's books in Spanish and I love checking out the book stalls along the sea front.


This week I have heard some very happy news but also some very sad news which have both made me hug my little munchkin just that little bit tighter. We don't know what is round the corner so need to make every moment count. 


It is Robbie's 9th birthday this weekend so I've been making plans-and lists-in preparation for his archery/assault course/zorbing party. In the past I've had a school friends party and a separate family one but this year it's all happening together so wish me luck! 



One thing I won't be making is a cake-my last attempt involved a grill and tin foil but enough of that. Let's just say no one was poisoned in the eating of the cake-but I think that was just luck! 


Oh, I've been staying up way too late this week ploughing my way through our planner-the last episode of The Affair-6 weeks late- Madame Secretary, Veep, Ray Donovan to name a few. Robbie has suddenly developed an interest in the Star Wars movies and although Sci-Fi is not my thing, I have to say I have been secretly enjoying them as we are getting our daily dose. I'm putting it down to research as I will have to teach the topic of Science Fiction films later this year. I also watched the look of horror on Lex's face when he came home and saw this lot!

Most of it will probably be returned if we want to eat this month! 

In days gone by, I would have looked forward to receiving my developed holiday pics being delivered through the door in late August but these days, no one seems to 'develop photos' (with the exception of my mum but that's another story!) I reassure myself with the fact that my photos are all safely uploaded somewhere (the cloud/Photobox/ Google Drive-all of the above!) but was slightly alarmed recently when a friend calmly stated, 'So what happens if you died tomorrow-who knows the password to your online photos???" With this cheery thought in mind, I have just started to compile a photo book with all my favourite photos of our holiday-which will be something to look forward to receiving around Christmas if past experiences are anything to go on. Oh well, it has given me an excuse to go back and remind myself of the great summer we have had. 




Luna Mora (Moorish Moon) in Mijas Pueblo



On one of our 'mini-vacations' to Mijas we happened to bump into ITV's Lorraine Kelly who was holidaying in her villa there and she seemed only too happy to have her photo taken with myself and my friend Joanne-she even apologised for having no make-up on and for 'not having  her hair done' and yes, she really is that tiny! 


It's been a real mixed bag this week from shorts and sandals in Spain one day to jeans and raincoats at home the next followed by swimwear the next-and even a football track suit top for me on one occasion!


The Funny Farm at Castlewellan

And lastly...

I visited The Starfish Cafe last Sunday to celebrate my friend's birthday and we were lucky that it coincided with Bangor's Open House Festival's Sunday Brunch.

As it was such a glorious morning, brunch began with Buck's Fizz on the terrace, watching the yachts bobbing on Ballyholme Bay which was then followed by an exquisite 2 course feast in one of several eating areas. With choices such as fruit soup, home-made granola with Greek yoghurt and poached fruits followed by mango, strawberry and coconut sorbet and finished off with 'Brekkie salad', grilled haloumi, crab on scrambled eggs, chorizo jam with avocado on sourdough and fried duck's egg it was a divine eating experience. Accompanied by an acoustic duo and surrounded by a plethora of individual and quirky accessories, I can think of no better way to spend a morning! 





I loved this light so much that I tracked down a similar one in TK Maxx, albeit a battery operated one. 

Happy Friday everyone.



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