Saturday, 12 September 2015

Movie Magic, Making Waffles and Memories...#littleloves

And's the weekend again! It has been hard work getting back into the routine of school again-for all 3 of us and this week also saw the start of after school clubs which meant me trying to remember to re enrol and buy yet more uniforms. Once again, my lovely friend Janice came to the rescue and sent poor hubby Joe  off to the Boys' Brigade shop with my list. I also broke my own rule and went out on a school night to celebrate my great friend Nadine's 40th birthday. 15 female teachers let loose on a Wednesday night makes for a noisy evening but Bistro Este didn't seem to mind at all and the food and atmosphere were great in equal measure. 


Being back at school has left me little time to read anything that's not teaching related but managed to get a sneak peek at Cinemagic's new programme just before the festival launch and am already excited about what is available for both students and children. I have been a big fan of Cinemagic for a number of years now-both as a teacher as a parent and I can still remember taking Robbie to the cinema for the first time aged 2 to Cinebabies-a movie experience for wee ones. Robbie has been a ' Cineseeker' for the past 2 years and has joined this year again-a great opportunity for young people to watch and review a wide range of films from around the world. It amazed me last year that the top 2 films that over one hundred 7-8 year olds chose were foreign films with subtitles! Never underestimate the opinions of children! This year’s programme offers something for everyone-from toddlers right through to young adults. I am especially looking forward to the World Premiere of ‘A Christmas Star’-Northern Ireland and Ireland’s first Christmas film-something to put us in the mood for the festive season. 


I was super excited to hear that one of my students had been selected as one of only 15 young people across the UK to be a member of the Youth Advisory Council for Into Film. She will travel to London on 6 occasions to participate in a number of workshops and planning meetings. Oh to have had such opportunities at the age of 15! 
I nearly cried laughing when I heard that one of my colleagues-you know who you are-forgot to send her son to his first day at primary school! This was on the very same day as everyone shared photos round the staff room of their little angels decked out in their sharp, school shirts and perfectly polished shoes. 

I was delighted to hear that my cousin's debut novel "Snugville Sreet" is to be published on Amazon later this month-can't wait to read it as she tells a story so well. 

"A heart-warming family drama set in Belfast. The story begins in 2003 when Hannah learns that her father's return from prison will collide with her French exchange. A tapestry of love and loss is woven through humour and heart-ache as we move from Belfast to Paimpol in Britanny on a powerful journey of shame redemption."



We had my little niece's 2nd birthday party last weekend and it was wonderful seeing the children of all ages playing together in the garden. We were blessed to have a sunny day-perfect for the barbecue and bouncy castle and a reminder to us all that summer was still here-for another day anyway. What wasn't so pleasant to watch was Robbie and his cousin clash heads which resulted on a trip to A and E to rule out concussion! 


The birthday girl-Ava!
I also watched the series launch of Strictly Come Dancing this week-all in the name of research as it is one of the A Level 'texts' we are studying this year. One lesson I don't mind preparing!

Last Saturday afternoon we did absolutely nothing-we stayed at home and it was bliss! We have had such a busy summer that it was great to have no plans for a change. We spent the day making Lego (well, one of us did!) and Robbie was desperate to cook and bake. Whilst we had planned to have takeaway Indian, this was swapped for homemade curry (much healthier and quite tasty too) and  Jamie Oliver's waffles. A strange combination, I know but he-ho! However, true to form, our first attempt was a disaster. Even with my new glasses on, I managed to misread 1/4 teaspoon of salt for 4 teaspoons of salt! Take 2- minus the salt- and we had delicious waffles with maple syrup!



I refuse to go into my winter woollies just yet so layered up last weekend for a trip to the Folk and Transport Museum. Unfortunately those layers didn't help my (non) map reading thank goodness the 9 year old's skills are better! 

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. 


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