Saturday, 11 July 2015

Summer, seaside, sales and style secrets...

Roofless in Belfast

What a busy few weeks it has been-hence very little updates on the blog-but thanks to the joys of wifi, I can now update my posts poolside in the 42 degree heat of the Costa del Sol sun!
 Anyone who says, "You must be on the wind down now" has never been a teacher as June is one of the busiest school months of the year and each year we wonder how we will ever make it to the end of the month, never mind year- but make it we do. The last day of term coincided with one of the few hot, sunny days we had last month so my lovely friend and colleague Cheryl took total advantage and made it her mission to find us an outdoor spot for our end-of-term lunch.The venue-the newly revamped Apartment with its rooftop terrace-and when I say 'rooftop' what I actually mean is 'roofless!' Yes, the roof has literally been removed which was perfect on this glorious day-although I am informed that there is a mechanism for covering over the roof should our usual Northern Ireland weather return. 
The lunchtime menu is exceptional value-£6.95 for a choice of main courses which include Chicken and Chorizo pasta as well as old favourites such as Prawn Open Sandwich and Jumbo fish and chips. 

The cocktails, mocktails and Prosecco also went down a treat and the ever attentive staff happily restocked our supply of strawberries and raspberries on ice! The Apartment has always been a favourite with city centre revellers but I imagine it will be even more popular now with this ingenious addition.

Next on the 'Roofless in Belfast' tour was the newly opened "The Perch" with yet another wonderful roofless terrace. 


Having walked up the 5 floors, we then discovered the lift serviced by an 'elevator boy'! Oh well, the exercise helped to work off some of the lunch and enabled us to admire the gorgeous pot plants placed at each stairwell.

The Perch has a lovely vibe with a real mix of clientele and I could have spent hours just admiring the decor and little finishing touches and presentation-from vases of flowers on the table to milk churns doubling up as wine coolers. 

Sun in the city

It was the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon in the city and ceratinly helped to put us all in the mood for the holidays.

Summer Nights

What I love most about being off on holiday during the summer months is being able to just take ourselves out when the mood takes us-and when the weather enables us- and we made the most of it recently with a tea- time trip to the beach with dining al fresco -albeit the takeaway type!

Ballyholme Beach

Studying hermit crabs!

Yummy chip shop chips for tea.

Tall Ships, Titanic and Tea Parties

There has been a definite nautical theme going on recently with the Sea Bangor event followed by the Tall Ships in Belfast.

I so need one of these!

The enthusuism for the Tall Ships spilled over the entire weekend as we managed to incorporate a charity afternooon tea party at my aunt´s home with the kids searching for the sail parade along with an impromptu dip in the icy waters. The result? Some very happy but soaked children-and adults!

Where are those ships?

Robbie´s Rags
Those of you know me, know that I have the best childminder in the world-one who even last minute lends you a gorgeous hanging basket as all your flowers and plants are on their last legs and with visitors expected I needed something to brighten up the front of the house! The event was another sale of Robbie´s outgrown clothes and this year he has chosen Cancer Rsearch as the charity to benefit from the sale.

Style Secrets

I was both shocked and delighted to be asked by the Ulster Tatler if I would be interviewed for their Style Secrets column this month since I don't regard myself as being someone who has a particular sense of style! The questions did get me thinking and you can check out my responses here:

That´s it from me for a bit-off to cool down in the pool. Hope you are all having a wonderful summer, no matter what you are up to. Tx 

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